Roadmap through
the creation of our milestones book:

Hooray, Jeremy! You Did It!

Our personalizedbook for children and parents all about celebrating your child’s first milestones!Accompanied by one of our mega-cool sidekicks, this book helps commemorate your kiddo’s accomplishments as they learn about the wide world around them!

Roadmap through the creation
of Hooray Studios’ bestseller

When Tonya Grows Up

One of our bestselling books, famous for its ability to bring parents around the world to tears. We’re revealing all the details about the creation of the book, from its initial inspiration to the final product.

Idea & Concept

Our main idea of this book was to celebrate passing milestones and what they mean to both parents and kiddos. We wanted each page to celebrate a different “first” in a child’s life, from the moment they arrive home from the hospital to their first tooth coming in.

Prepare yourself for lots of laughs and giggles galore.

For a fun twist, we came up with five sidekicks to choose from, each with their own distinct personality that takes personalization options to the next level. Chose from a prank-tastic raccoon, a brave-yet-timid knight, an enthusiastic sprite, a curious alien, and an overly-educated owl. The texts also change depending on which sidekick is chosen, ensuring that each of their personalities really shines through, but also allowing for other family members, such as aunts, uncles, and grandparents to be a part of the book as well.

Hooray, Jeremy! You Did It!

Project Team

From New York Times best-selling author to young illustrator prodigy, this team has it all: talents, skills and most of all, big heart. We proudly present to you:


Hooray Jeremy, You Did It! is a fun and heartfelt way to celebrate all these first milestones shared between parents and their new bundle of joy. A child’s experiences, as they begin their amazing journey through life, are reimagined in a wide selection of stories: their first tooth, first birthday, first trip to the doctor, first smile, first tantrum, and many more! While the kiddo navigates through these first accomplishments, they’re accompanied by one of five sidekicks with their own distinct personalities. It’s a book full of exciting and emotional moments in a style the whole family will enjoy, now and for all the milestones still to come!

Endless Variations

Writing Process

What made the production of this book really special were the sidekicks. Since there are five of them, this meant that, along with a boy and girl version, there were 10 different books being written simultaneously. But no challenge is too tough for NY Times Bestselling author Adam Wallace, who mastered it perfectly. Hand in hand with our editing team, they wrote more than 300 variations of poems and stories, but only the best deserved their spot on the pages.

Young Talent

Illustration Extraordinaire

This book’s illustration was different from everything we have done before. Mainly because there was not just one illustrator working on the book, but a whole team of talented people, each one focusing on their own task, from storyboards to character development and style to backgrounds and personalizations. This way, each team member focused only on their strongest suit, and, when all the talent and skills met in the final illustrations, we got perfection!

From Idea to Realization

Hooray, We Did It!

If we put it into the words of our communications manager, Ryan Quinn, this was a monster of a book! With so many personalization options and combinations of stories, it was not only demanding in the development process, but also a huge effort for our technical and IT departments. But in the end, you guessed it: Hooray, we did it!

Milestones to Remember

Hooray, Jeremy! You Did It! celebrates the first milestones of a newborn and their parents. Precious little accomplishments that are accompanied by one of our mega-cool sidekicks that are worth commemorating.

Multiplying the Fun

This book offers a wide array of extras that make it even more fun. We created plush toys for each of the sidekicks you can choose from in the book so they can accompany little heroes in their real life adventures. We also came up with an entirely new board game that comes included with the gift box. Let the fun begin!

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